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Dr. Daniel Yergin

Vice Chairman, IHS Markit

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


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Energy Markets During the COVID-19 Crisis

Marie-Josée Kravis
Chair, The Economic Club of New York
Senior Fellow, The Hudson Institute

Daniel Yergin is a highly respected authority on energy, international politics, and economics, and a Pulitzer Prize winner. He is Vice Chairman of IHS Markit, a leading information and advisory firm with 16,000 employees worldwide. He is chairman of IHS Markit's CERAWeek conference, which CNBC has called "the Super Bowl of energy" and of "India Energy Forum Presented by CERAWeek" in New Delhi.

Time Magazine said, "If there is one man whose opinion matters more than any other on global energy markets, it's Daniel Yergin." Fortune said that he is "one of the planet's foremost thinkers about energy and its implications."

Dr. Yergin's new book The Map: Energy, Climate and the Clash of Nations will be published in September 2020. Dr. Yergin is the author of the bestseller The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World. The Quest has been described by the Financial Times as "a triumph." The New York Times said it is "necessary reading for C.E.O.'s, conservationists, lawmakers, generals, spies, tech geeks, thriller writers," among many others.

Dr. Yergin is known around the world for his book The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil Money and Power, which was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. It became a number one New York Times best seller and has been translated into 20 languages.

Of Dr. Yergin's book Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy, which has been translated into 13 languages, The Wall Street Journal said, "No one could ask for a better account of the world's political and economic destiny since World War II." Both The Prize and Commanding Heights were made into PBS/BBC series.

Dr. Yergin has served on the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board under four presidents. In 2019, Dr. Yergin and former U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz led a major study, Advancing the Landscape of Clean Energy Innovation, which was conducted for the Breakthrough Energy coalition.

Dr.Yergin is on the board of directors of the Council on Foreign Relations and a trustee of the Brookings Institution.

Among his awards, the Prime Minister of India presented Dr. Yergin with "Lifetime Achievement Award" and the U.S. Department of Energy awarded him the first "James Schlesinger Medal for Energy Security."

Dr. Yergin holds a BA from Yale University and a Ph.D. from Cambridge University, where he was a Marshall Scholar.

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