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CNN: Here’s how Trump says he’ll help US businesses through tariffs and taxes

Trump has long wanted to reduce the corporate tax rate to below 21%. He unveiled his latest proposal earlier this month at the Economic Club of New York: a 15% rate for companies that make their products in the US, which on Tuesday he called “the centerpiece” of his plan for a manufacturing renaissance.

Read More: Here’s how Trump says he’ll help US businesses through tariffs and taxes

Washington Examiner: Biden administration has imposed $1.7 trillion in regulatory costs, House Republicans find

“I’m proud to be the only president in modern history to achieve a net regulatory reduction during my term, and it was a substantial reduction,” Trump said during a speech at the Economic Club of New York. “I’m pledging today that in my second term, we will eliminate a minimum of 10 old regulations for every one new regulation.”

Read More: Biden administration has imposed $1.7 trillion in regulatory costs, House Republicans find.

The Economic Times: JP Morgan CEO backs Donald Trump's efficiency panel headed by Elon Musk; Here's what the committee will do

He has committed to conducting a complete financial audit of the federal government within six months of taking office. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York, he asserted, “As soon as I get to office, we will make housing much more affordable.” He criticized the Biden administration’s economic record, emphasizing that “as inflation is tamed, interest rates will dramatically fall.”

Read more: JP Morgan CEO backs Donald Trump's efficiency panel headed by Elon Musk; Here's what the committee will do


Washington Post: For some parents, surging child-care costs could determine how they vote

When asked this month how he would enact specific policies to help parents with child care, Trump said it was “a very important issue” before adding that it paled in comparison to the “trillions” he could add to the U.S. economy by levying new tariffs on imports. “As much as child care is talked about as being expensive, it’s relatively speaking not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we’re taking in,” he said at an event hosted by the Economic Club of New York.

Read More: For some parents, surging child-care costs could determine how they vote

Forbes: Geographic Decentralization Of Government Could Have Bipartisan Appeal

During a recent speech to the Economic Club of New York in which he outlined second term priorities, former President Donald Trump announced his intention to “create a government efficiency commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government.”

Read More: Geographic Decentralization Of Government Could Have Bipartisan Appeal

Washington Post: GOP looks the other way as Trump pushes unorthodox trade proposals

Before former president Donald Trump spoke to the Economic Club of New York this month, he prepped for the crowd of Wall Street power brokers and other traditional business elites who would be in attendance.

Read More: GOP looks the other way as Trump pushes unorthodox trade proposals

Wall Street Journal: The Case for Trump’s Tariffs

Mr. Trump’s plan, which he outlined Sept. 5 at the Economic Club of New York, includes keeping the 2017 tax cuts in place permanently, reducing costly regulations, cutting government spending, and making smart use of tariffs to restore American manufacturing.

Read More: The Case for Trump’s Tariffs

Washington Examiner: Immigration bursts into election housing price debate

In a speech on his economic policies earlier this month at the Economic Club of New York, former President Donald Trump outlined his plans for reducing prices by cutting back regulations to allow for more construction. But he said that “we also cannot ignore the impact that the flood of 21 million illegal aliens has had on driving up housing costs.”

Read More: Immigration bursts into election housing price debate

Newsweek: Kamala Harris Reveals New Child Care Plan

Former President Donald Trump was pressed on his plans to address child care costs during an appearance before the Economic Club of New York earlier this month, during which the Republican nominee promoted his fiscal policy as a solution to the rising prices of everyday necessities. When asked by Girls Who Code founder Reshma Saujani if he would "commit to prioritizing legislation to make child care affordable" if reelected to office, Trump told the panel of business leaders that his plans to increase taxes on imports could "take care" of rising costs like child care.

Read More: Kamala Harris Reveals New Child Care Plan

Pensions & Investments: Harris vs. Trump: taxes, capital gains and how the candidates compare on the economy

“To further support the revival of American manufacturing, my plan calls for expanded (research and development) tax credits, 100% bonus depreciation, expensing for new manufacturing investments, and a reduction in the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15%, solely for companies that make their product in America,” Trump said Sept. 6 during a speech before the Economic Club of New York.

Read More: Harris vs. Trump: taxes, capital gains and how the candidates compare on the economy

Business Insider: The US Is Considering a Sovereign Wealth Fund. Alaska Already Has One.

At the White House, President Joe Biden's top aides have circulated plans for a fund to finance national security interests. And former President Donald Trump recently called for a similar state-owned investment fund to finance "great national endeavors" during a campaign stop at the Economic Club of New York.

Read More: The US Is Considering a Sovereign Wealth Fund. Alaska Already Has One.

New York Times: Divided Attention

What does it mean is that I haven’t found 10 hours to watch the first season of “Shogun,” by all accounts a very good series that I would like very much, but I have just in the past week spent at least that much time consuming an incoherent jumble consisting of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce canoodling at the U.S. Open, Donald Trump’s remarks at the Economic Club of New York, a “Gladiator”-themed Pepsi ad, plus countless movie trailers, Peloton workouts, cooking demos, fabric steamer reviews and oh god I could go on.

Read More: Divided Attention

CNN: Trump promises to ban mortgages for undocumented immigrants

Former President Donald Trump plans to ban mortgages for undocumented immigrants, he said in a speech at the Economic Club of New York on Thursday.

Trump claimed the measure would help address housing affordability because a “flood” of people entering the country illegally are pushing up housing costs, but undocumented immigrants only make up a tiny portion of the mortgage market.

Read More: Trump promises to ban mortgages for undocumented immigrants

Bloomberg: Falling Pump Prices Blunt Trump’s Inflation Attacks on Harris

“Kamala Harris can’t bring down the price of anything because her energy policies are bringing up the cost of everything,” Trump said in an address to the Economic Club of New York. Trump’s attacks on energy and inflation are likely to continue in the run up to Tuesday night, when he and Harris are scheduled to face off in their first debate.

Read More: Falling Pump Prices Blunt Trump’s Inflation Attacks on Harris

New York Times: How Elon Musk Is Influencing Donald Trump

On Thursday, Mr. Trump followed up on Mr. Musk’s suggestion. In a speech at the Economic Club of New York, Mr. Trump said he planned to appoint Mr. Musk, who leads Tesla, SpaceX and X, as the head of a new government efficiency commission if he was elected president in November.

Read More: How Elon Musk Is Influencing Donald Trump

Seeking Alpha: Trump says he will appoint Elon Musk to lead government efficiency commission

In a speech at the Economic Club of New York, the former president also proposed to cut corporate tax rates for companies that manufacture domestically, start a new sovereign wealth fund, and create "low-tax" zones on federal lands to encourage the construction of new homes.

Read More: Trump says he will appoint Elon Musk to lead government efficiency commission

The Hill: Harris wants to challenge Trump on policy at debate

The former president was asked at the Economic Club of New York if he would commit to prioritizing legislation to make child care affordable. He gave a lengthy answer in response without articulating any specific legislation he would propose, instead suggesting tariffs on foreign nations would help cover costs.

Read More: Harris wants to challenge Trump on policy at debate

Fortune: Donald Trump threatens 100% tariff on countries that turn away from the dollar

"You leave the dollar and you're not doing business with the United States because we are going to put a 100% tariff on your goods," said Donald Trump addressing the Economic Club of New York on Thursday.

Read More: Donald Trump threatens 100% tariff on countries that turn away from the dollar

Fox Business: Trump says he'll ask Elon Musk to lead government efficiency commission if he wins election

In a speech on Thursday at the Economic Club of New York, Trump publicly expressed support for the idea for the first time and said that Musk had agreed to head the commission. He also offered a general overview of what he would expect the task force to do.

Read More: Trump says he'll ask Elon Musk to lead government efficiency commission if he wins election

NBC News: Clean energy sector looks to create even more jobs after the election — regardless of who wins

Trump meanwhile has promised to make energy cheaper and focused on drilling for oil in the U.S. He also rolled back major climate policies and has said he would rescind the IRA's unspent dollars if elected. He called the Green New Deal the "Green New Scam" at an event at the Economic Club of New York last week.

Read More: Clean energy sector looks to create even more jobs after the election — regardless of who wins