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Charlie Cook

Editor and Publisher, The Cook Political Report

Thursday, October 22, 2020


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Robert E. Rubin
Former Secretary of the U.S. Treasury

Charlie Cook is the Editor and Publisher of The Cook Political Report, and a political analyst for the National Journal Group. Charlie is also a political analyst for NBC News.

In 1984, Charlie founded the independent, non-partisan Cook Political Report. Now, with a staff of six, it is a publication that the New York Times once said was "a newsletter that both parties regard as authoritative" while CBS News' Bob Schieffer called it "the bible of the political community."

Al Hunt in the Wall Street Journal has referred to Cook as "the Picasso of election analysis."

The late David Broder of The Washington Post, long considered "the Dean of the Washington press corp", once wrote that Charlie Cook is "perhaps the best non-partisan tracker of Congressional races."

Charlie has appeared on the ABC World News Tonight, the CBS Evening News, the NBC Nightly News, and on ABC's This Week. Since the 1990's, he has also appeared on NBC's Meet the Press over a dozen times. Over the years, Charlie has served as an Election Night analyst for CBS, CNN, and, since 1996, on the NBC News Election Night Decision Desk in New York.

In 2010, Charlie was the co-recipient of the American Political Science Association's prestigious Carey McWilliams award to honor "a major journalistic contribution to our understanding of politics." In 2013, Charlie served as a Resident Fellow at the Institute of Politics at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.

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