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SIFMA Year End Forecast, Ken Bentsen and Dr. Lindsey Piegza

ECNY: Hosting Video Webinar

The Economic Club of New York is honored to welcome Kenneth E. Bentsen, Jr., President and CEO of SIFMA, and Dr. Lindsey Piegza, Chief Economist, Managing Director of Stifel and Chair of SIFMA's Economic Advisory Roundtable.

In this conversation Ken and Lindsey will unveil the results of SIFMA's latest U.S. Economic Survey. This survey compiles the median economic forecast of chief U.S. economists for nearly 30 large and regional financial institutions who sit on SIFMA's Economic Advisory Roundtable. SIFMA analyzes the Roundtable's expectations for: GDP, unemployment, inflation, interest rates, and more. Ken and Lindsey will also shed light on other key factors driving our economy and monetary policy.